Thursday 31st December 2015
A Happy New Year to you, yes you, I hope that you find what you are looking for during 2016.
If you have enjoyed my ramblings then I have good news for you, back in this blog I mentioned that I went on a working trip to New Zealand in 1982 and if there was anyone out there who would like to hear about it then let me know, well nobody did! but I have decided to tell you anyway. I have found my old detailed diary of my trip but it may take a while to turn it into a best seller.
Something to look forward to?
Sunday 3rd January 2016
Well I haven't finished the NZ story yet but I thought I would treat you to the 'exciting' adventure as I go along. I do have a few pictures to spice it up a bit but not brilliant quality - but that was 1982 old fashioned film and a cheap camera - sorry.
The NZ story can be found HERE.
Wednesday 18th November 2015
Not been idle, just published a book on, if you click HERE you can read all about Oxshott and Me 1939 - 1966.
Sorry about the price, not much I can do about that but it's worth it! You can see the great pictures and nearly read the text if you squint a bit. Between you and me looking at all those young ladies that had the good grace to go out with me and trying to come to terms with the fact that they all are now in their mid seventies takes a bit of getting your head around.
I'm not sure what I'd do if I bumped into one of them in the street, don't suppose that they would know either - I wonder. My daughter tells me that you should erase the following from your vocabulary - could have, would have, should have and if only - wise words indeed.
I've got another scheme to discuss soon on how to make loads-a-money. It's something I've always wanted to do but never seen it through - maybe tomorrow.
Friday 20th November 2015
Blimey hits for this site shot up to 10 yesterday, either you like reading my book or maybe you are interested in my idea for making loads-a-money. Well first I must explain that it involves knocking on doors, which, I have done but not consistently enough so if you are not comfortable with knocking on doors then probably not for you, unless of course you develop your RMA and combat your ISI - simple?
Back in the early 70's I did a course on Salesmanship and Advertising which was fascinating. It was a correspondence course run by a The National School of Salesmanship in Manchester which concentrated on developing your Right Mental Attitude and combating your Inadequate Self Image. Now there are a million people out there who will tell you how to achieve this so I won’t go there but all I will say is that you won’t know unless you try. So, that’s sorted your RMA and your ISI next is which product to help people attain?
Saturday 21st November 2015
During that course in the early 70’s I found myself knocking on doors and asking if they had 'ever wished to own a set of Encyclopaedia Britannica?' Notice the cunningly worded question! I had completed the week long sales course getting thoroughly brain washed and believe it or not in my first month I was Salesman of the Month having sold 3 sets. I could write another book about the reaction you get at the door and trying to convince the ‘prospect’ to invest a half a crown a week (12 ½ p) but I won’t go there now. I did the same with fire extinguishers, various services, kitchens and Home Improvements.
But fear not this is not about selling anything merely passing on a ‘referral’. My scheme is that you don’t actually work for any one company but have at your fingertips various providers of products/services in order to arrange a number of quotes for your ‘customer’. Simples?
Take Home Improvements for instance, if you look at most national providers you will find they pay handsomely for a referral. You will have to wait a long time for the cheque but believe me it will arrive on your door mat eventually. Of course there’s nothing you can do (or probably want to do) to help things along as it will be completely out of your hands, all you do is knock on another door in the sure knowledge that there are plenty of people out there that at some point will want what you have to offer.
I can hear you muttering all sorts of ‘what if’s’ etc but despite this ‘dogs breakfast’ of a digital world the personal contact is still the best. QED If you do nothing else, read ‘How I Raised Myself From Failure to Success in Selling’ by Frank Bettger.
Now I have been there and got the tee shirt on this one but not for years so watch this space.
Tuesday 24th November 2015
Of course I’m a bit ancient to start trotting up and down knocking on doors again (excuses) but since doing that sales course way back it’s something I can’t let go and something that I know will ‘produce the goods’. There are areas of course that have signs up saying ‘ no hawkers etc’ and ‘we don’t buy anything at the door’ – I’ve got one on my front door but what good does it do? They still come regularly and if I’m in a good mood (which is not often) I will buy or respond positively, I will usually tell the door knocker that he/she needs to work on their presentation skills and develop their RMA!
Talking of your RMA, how about this for a boost. You will find that many of the companies that rely on cold calling, like Home Improvements companies offer cash for a referral and the same amount of cash to the customer if he/she makes a purchase. So, you have a readymade attitude booster, you arrive at the door (or with your clipboard in the street) with cash in your pocket – but only for customers that buy – clever?
Of course life is one big sell from the day we are born but we don’t realise it, you have to sell the idea that you’re hungry to your mother by screaming – right? Come to think of it it's probably the only way to get your breakfast in this house!
Time for a picture.

In case you are wondering it's West Wittering Beach on a balmy summers day when the tide is out - a favourite - despite the crowds.
Wednesday 25th November 2015
Talking of pictures you might like to check out my efforts with the brushes, back in '94 I had a sudden urge to paint - critical acclaim gratefully received. This one is of fields near Fairoaks when I used to fly with my easel and paints bit cramped but I managed.

Thursday 26th November 2015
Still with my head in the clouds I went a bit higher for this one, I know the blue bits are a bit rubbish but lovely clouds don't you think? Bit unusual to get this much cloud over Ibiza! Don't you just want to fly your Spitfire in amongst them? Dreaming again.
Friday 27th November 2015
Today is Black Friday so I had a couple of glasses of Guinness with two Black Labradors to celebrate - I shouldn't have!
Saturday 28th November 2015
Yesterday's story was true by the way and talking about Black Labradors we had one for 14 years, she was called Kellar and endeared herself to all the family. We had a local artist paint her from a few photographs and this was the result.

Not sure why the artist painted a chicken on her back.

Sunday 29th November 2015
I asked Henry if he would like to be included in my blog - he ignored me.
What's new?
Monday 30th November 2015
He's about as much use as a Chocolate Labrador, sorry, teapot!
Tuesday 1st December 2015
No offence Henry 'We love you madly' as Duke Ellington used to say, or he did at the Kilburn State Empire on 25th October 1958 when Pete and I went there to see him and his all-stars on my Lambretta LD 150 Scooter!
Blah! blah! blah!

I flew a bit higher for this one but ran out of oxygen.
Took my sketch book on the tube for this one.
Monday 7th December 2015
Approaching Roehampton down the hill from the A3 there is a 30mph speed trap to catch the unwary which we all know about (don’t we?) well yesterday I slowed to 30mph, or it could have been 31mph, and the speed flash triggered and caught somebody, I shall be very annoyed if it was me. Also dropping off my passengers in Hammersmith for the bus station there is nowhere to stop except on a double yellow line which I did and if I get a ticket for stopping for 35.5 seconds I shall also be very annoyed.
‘Expect nothing and you won’t be disappointed’ - an old maxim that I hope is not true. I can't work it out either.
Tuesday 8th December 2015
Way back in the 60’s and 70’s you may recall (if you have been reading this blog) that I used to fly a Piper Cherokee out of Fairoaks Airfield, well in the Spring of 1978 I took a friend for a ride over Cobham with a camera and this is the result. It will only interest those of you who know Cobham so apologies to my followers elsewhere but among the ‘interesting’ bits you will spot in the top right hand corner Ashby’s Garage (in the round workshop, now Waitrose), the surgery next door, Cobham Ironmongery on the corner of Freelands Road, Tesco’s opposite, the Old Village Hall and the Old Bakery behind. This picture may feature in a forthcoming article in the Cobham Heritage Magazine. Fascinating, I also have a close up of my back garden with Marcia waving an item from her washing line but only on request!

Friday 11th December 2015
Dear Reader, as Charlotte Bronte would say, (I think there are at least 3 of you out there) it is time once again to send the Season’s Greetings; I hope you found something of interest in this blog. Way back I quoted from somebody who said that ‘It is exercise alone that supports the spirits and keeps the mind in vigour’ well, I’d like to change it slightly to ‘It is music alone that supports the spirits and keeps the mind in vigour’ so if you can’t exercise I wish you music. Love and hugs, Bob.
PS. If you want more love and hugs try Toby and Belinda in Ibiza click HERE for something slightly different.
Monday 28th December 2015
I hope Father Christmas brought you what you wanted, I was hoping for some snow - still hoping. Couldn't find any on Amazon! Plenty of Imitation, Magic, Instant and Artificial stuff but no real snow. I don't want to go up the mountains to find it I want it in my back garden.
Any ideas? This would be good - reproduced courtesy of the artist - I hope - you can but hope.
Image of Snow Scene temporarily removed.
Might be copyright!