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Bob's Blog Page 59

  Page 58                                  

You are reading Page 59 of Bob's Blog/diary/dream/story/journey/novelistic memoir.

He is 86 years old and counting.

He is also very much aware that this blog is of no significance whatsoever -

at the time of writing!






Saturday 1st February 2025.

Dear Reader,


You will forgive this old and knackered Grandad for reminiscing.  Also for getting over excited about his 'potentially game changing' idea.  Also for sending increasingly bizarre emails to Professors of Engineering up and down the country.  Also for failing to solve Nannie's useless left side problem.  Also for imagining he can solve our energy problem.  Also for coming up short on daily domestic tasks.  Also for sailing too close to the wind on occasions.  Also for failing to water the plants.  Also for failing the eleven plus.  Also for hiding a few cans of Guinness in the shed.  There are a few other things but that'll do for now.


Thank you.



Sunday 2nd February 2025.

I was watching 'All Creatures Great and Small' (don't watch much TV) and up pops James Herriot driving my old 1930's Morris Minor, my first car.   I bought her for £25 in 1957.  She had a few bolts missing in the universal joints, brakes that worked occasionally, a half a turn slop in the steering and doors that popped open when you went round corners but I loved her more than a Knickerbocker Glory!  

morris 1930.jpg

Did you see the waxing crescent Moon and Venus this evening?   There will be six planets visible during February.  They call it a Planet Parade.  Just thought I'd mention it in case you wish to watch and wonder.

Monday 3rd February 2025.

The motions of Oceans

Can be turned into power

The 'game changing' plan

Can be taught in an hour

No need to 'drill baby drill'

Use sun, wind or weir 

Just stop what you're doing

And take a look HERE

Tuesday 4th February 2025.

Something else to forgive?  Well, I thought I was being creative but obviously not.  This old and knackered Grandad (OK Grandad) is now seeking test sites for his 'game changing' idea.  He is seeking to demonstrate it between Westminster Bridge and Lambeth Bridge.  He plans to power The Houses of Parliament for starters.  Something not too ambitious then? 

Wednefday 5th February 2025.

It's Wednefday 5th February at four 'o' clock in the afternoon and afterwardf at Great Fofterf today fo Happy Anniverfary to Tim and Julia. Nineteen ninety free.  Firty two yearf already.  Phew!  Forry about that, itf my parotidectomy!

Friday 7th February 2025.

It's a happy birthday to Mick today, Mick was a neighbour and buddy of mine 70 years ago, he died around 30 years ago in Canada but I'd like to remember him.  I never forget old buddie's birthdays.  But I forgot what I had for breakfast this morning!

Saturday 8th February 2025.

Alexa - what is Horizontal Gravity?  Gravity doesn't have a horizontal component


# Someday she'll know it's just not true

# Someday whenever the Spring breaks through 

# Till then etc. etc. etc! 

Sunday 9th February 2025.

It's a Happy Birthday to Nannie today although how she can be happy being half dead buggered if I know.

# Snappy birthday to you

# Flappy birthday to you

# Dappy birthday dear Nannie

# Nappie birthday to you

Monday 10th February 2025.

Dear Old Nannie did have a Happy Birthday after all despite her afflictions so that's great.


Meanwhile Old and Knackered Grandad was inventing yet another invention.  This time it's for the visually impaired.


What you do if you get up a million times in the night and don't want to put the light on?  Answer, Velcro a few short lengths of rope on the floor.  It works better if you haven't got your slippers on.  He calls it a MATSATNAV or a More Accurate Than Sat Nav.   And if someone says 'don't be an eejit, it's a trip hazard' tell them to shut their eyes and try it. QED.

Tuesday 11th February 2025.

Old and Knackered Grandad finds constantly giving birth to 'amazing, revolutionary and game changing' ideas quite exhausting so he was thinking of taking a break from blogging, caring, thinking, eating and drinking.  


However, something quite extraordinary has happened to turn him back into Young Dynamic Bob.


He has discovered Business Support Surrey who will be helping him with all aspects of building a Global Multi Trillion business.  And if that wasn't enough Business Support Surrey are located at No 11, Cockshot Hill, Reigate.  A place with multi trillion memories.  A bit like Oxshott if you think about it.  An omen No 8?

Wednesday 12th February 2025.

Being YDB (Young Dynamic Bob) once again he's highly frustrated (there is another expression!) that everybody else seems to be on a tea break, off sick or twiddling their thumbs.  So, there is a danger of reverting to OK (Old and Knackered) Bob soon.

Thursday 13th February 2025.

It's 4am in the morning and Grandad is up with a cuppa' trying to solve another problem.  Well, not his problem but Nannie's problem.  After a lifetime of being a busy Beesley looking after babies, young people, old people, guinea pigs, rabbits, cats, dogs and plants.  Doing the washing, shopping, cleaning, weeding, dusting, hoovering, ironing, cooking and caring, and not least coping with a restless, greedy Grumps.   She now can do nothing.  Nothing for nobody including herself.  How would you feel and what would you do?  Grumps is stumped so answers on a postcard please to Dynamic Bob's Yacht, Clean Sweep, Ocean in Motion

captain bob.jpg

No comment!


Nurse Beesley with Jimmy and Jenny 1960.

Friday 14th February 2025.  (Love you to The Moon and back.)

'Yacht Clean Sweep,  Yacht Clean Sweep,  Yacht Clean Sweep,  Mayday.  Mayday.  Mayday.  Are you receiving?.  Over.'

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