Bob's Blog Page 52
You are reading Page 52 of Bob's Blog/diary/dream/story/journey/novelistic memoir.
He is 85 years old and counting.
He is also very much aware that this blog is of no significance whatsoever -
at the time of writing!
Monday 16th September 2024.
Just to show you Bob's latest artwork/creation, don't you think he has excelled himself? He's even sent to to The National Grid to sort out their stability problems. It's unlikely anyone will take a blind bit of notice but ...... there you go. Not bad for 'Paint' don't you think Mrs G?

While we are waiting for something to happen, Bob had a respite drive to Epsom today. He was checking out a shower tray but too big, too heavy and too expensive so it'll probably be a cat litter tray. The Duster developed a mind of it's own on the way back and took him past places he had not been past before and places he had not been to since 1959 like the Ten Pin Bowling Alley at The Toby Jug, he thought about popping in but remembered his age. Instead he tested out the top speed of the Duster down the A3, only joking Ivan.
His one winged bird is now highly cheesed off being legless and wingless but what can you do?
Tuesday 17th September 2024.
In his book 'More Fool Me' Stephen Fry flips from writing in third person to first person, I think all of us 'writers' struggle with the same problem so, from now on, I shall write about me rather than some old crochety, stinky Bob. The problem is that I now only have time to write in the middle of the night but luckily that is exactly the time when I can solve all the problems of the world.
For instance, the obvious answer to the shower tray problem is a kid's inflatable paddling pool, Eureka! And the obvious answer to my fixation on Horizontal Gravity is to thread a cruise liner fore and aft with it's anchor lines, allow it to drift with the tide and try to stop it with a couple of car tyres pinching the anchor chains passing along the deck, Eureka!
If I had AutoCAD it would be a doddle to draw but I'll give it a go in 'Paint' so watch this space. I've got to finish it by the 24th so I'd better get on with it and stop dreaming. Watching the birth might be painful!
I've now commandeered the upstairs and turned the little bedroom into an office so nobody knows what I get up to! It's a shame Marcia can't get up the stairs but I'll try and solve that one as well. I'm beginning to feel like Lawrence of Arabia at Clouds Hill but I haven't a clue why.
Wednesday 18th September 2024.
I'm writing this by Supermoon light, perhaps it's an omen! It's also known as a Harvest Moon so time for Horizontal Gravity harvest?
Thursday 19th September 2024.
I'm pretty chuffed with being able to get 'Paint' to perform, not easy when you're the wrong side of 85. It doesn't allow you to 'measure' accurately or draw accurate horizontal or vertical lines but maybe I'm missing a trick, the result's are on the above link except that I've dropped the title 'Horizontal Gravity' for the moment, they might think I'm a nutter!
Who are 'they'? An outfit in Indiana called MISO (Midcontinent Independent Systems Operator), they look after the electric grid locally and they've thrown down a challenge to come up with an AI (Artificial Intelligence) based solution to solve their problems.
The prize is $15,000, they'll probably laugh at my efforts but you never know. Persistence. I've also sent it to our National Grid Innovation Centre but, as usual, not a dicky.
In the meantime another trip round Waitrose yesterday with the 'pantechnicon' clamped to the wheelchair resulted in only 7 arguments which was an improvement.
Today, Nigel from Acorn Lifts is popping by to try to sell me a stairlift, best of luck Nigel.
Friday 20th September 2024.
Nigel breezed in took quick measurements produced a sketch and a price and breezed out again. £6,000 new £5,000 refurbished take it or leave it. 'You'll have to shift the radiator though' he says. I'll be ordering the new radiator today so what does that tell you?
I was thinking of patenting or registering the term 'Horizontal Gravity Unit' but it'll cost an arm and a leg and it'll take years which I don't have so forget it Bob, you'll be forgotten soon.
Did you know that 'Horizontal Gravity' from The Moon acts on all parts of Planet Earth twice a day? Including you dear reader. Just another thought at 3am! The artwork HERE is now definitely worth a look, what do you think Mrs G?

Changing the subject, back in May 2008 Mike, Bill, John, Young Bob and Captain Old Bob were sailing into Mahon Harbour, Menorca aboard Ventum, a 40ft twin wheeled Bavaria. This painting of the narrow entrance to Mahon Harbour reminds me of those adventurous days. It hangs in front of me as I blog. Artist Andy Shatke, never heard of him. Memories. Too much sun! Great reflections don't you think?
The story can be found HERE.
Saturday 21st September 2024.
I could write a book about yesterday but in brief, washed and dressed the patient (carer indisposed), got the breakfast, bought a radiator on eBay from Steve in Carshalton, paid a deposit on the stair lift (after negotiating a new one for the price of a refurbished one), got the lunch, had a snooze, woken up by an unexpected visitor Paul from Bantham, entertained an expected visitor, made the tea, booked the Duster in for it's MOT, got the patient ready for bed and a few other things. Phew! The strange thing is I almost enjoyed it.
If anyone is going near Carshalton let me know, you could pick up my radiator. I was going to order it from Victoria Plumbing but luckily Steve had exactly the right one at less than half the price and it's brand new. Lucky Bob?
Sunday 22nd September 2024.
Tough being Primary Carer but rewarded with a trip pushing the wheelchair to The Bear for a pint. Put the finishing touches to You Know What.
Just like to thank all my Angels for getting me through the traffic today to the back end of Carshalton. Picked up the radiator looks great I could easily fit it if I was 50 years younger!
Monday 23rd September 2024. (3am)
Hi to my Angels,
I've just had another Eureka! moment so watch this space. This time it could be big, really big!!!
Loadsa love
Tuesday 24th September 2024.
I was quite knackered yesterday, in fact I'm very knackered most of the time being Primary Carer 24/7 but fortunately my Angels seem to be looking after me. I will admit that pictures hanging on my wall give me strength and inspiration. Today is deadline day for getting my submission in for changing the world. I'd like to bore you with a final look at a drawing which probably will be ignored but about 200 years from now will be recognised as genius.

This is roughly what I've been trying to give birth to for at least 20 years, the labour has been quite painful but the sense of relief is palpitating or something like that.
Wednesday 24th September 2024.
Just took another look at The Oxshott Village Sign, stinky amazing design, wonder who designed that? Probably dead by now.
Decided to line my shower room in the garage with Thermal Dove Grey Out Curtains, cosy!
There is a heated debate going on in Cobham at the moment. Do we want a McDonalds on the site of the old Little White Lion (Loch Fyne) or don't we? At the moment there are 197 against the idea and 155 supporting the idea. If you want to make a comment click HERE. But you'd better be quick. The first time I went to a McDonalds was in 1968 in Lynwood, Washington State, lovely! They'd sold 4 billion already back then so what does that tell you?
Dear Sir/ Madam,
I came to school in Cobham in the 50's been living in Cobham since the mid 60's and seen The Little White Lion morph into The Lock Fyne and now into decay, dereliction and an eyesore. Yes, the site would be great for McDonald's to sell a few more billion burgers with all its attendant customers, chaos and service paraphernalia but the site is nowhere near big enough so surely better to let nature take its course and let the site become a haven of tranquillity in the midst of our frantic planet. There's already a McDonald's with plenty of burgers and jobs on the local M25 service station. Give us a break.
Thursday 26th September 2024.

This is The Little White Lion yesterday, scene of many a relationship and memories, much better to leave it alone and dream. But if I was 19 again I'd want a McDonalds Cheeseburger , fries and Coke!!
Age 19. Outside 27, Blundel Lane, note the hair!
Went to Darlington on this in 1958!
Took me 12 hours with a stop for a corned beef sandwich in Doncaster.
Friday 27th September 2024.
There's now 258 against McDonalds and 172 for McDonalds and today is the last day for comments so wherever you live you are eligible to comment. Perhaps better McDonalds than another stinky Care Home from McCarthy and Stone don't you think? How about McDonalds, McCarthy and Stoneburgers, burgers for the elderly?
Talking of care homes this care home receives it's Paddling Pool today (£8 from Argos) for the garage shower facilities just in time for the first frosts!
Yesterday there was a hint of big things to come for Horizontal Gravity but keep it to yourself. Not sure how many read this but Bertie, Poppy and Rosie are regular readers my Analytics tell me so thank you Bertie, Poppy and especially Rosie, love you to nits, sorry bits. (The N is next to the B!).
Saturday 28th September 2024.
Can't remember what happened yesterday. Oh! Yes. Grandson Ivan popped down to see his Grandparents, cheered them up no end, especially his Grandmother who is still without left side strength, movement or feeling but can still recall Ivan's childhood in great detail, not to worry Ivan Grandfather won't spill the beans! Grandfather is extremely cheeseburgered off with himself as he forgot to take your Duster in for it's MOT, it's plain enough in the diary, maybe a hint of ARF (Age Related Forgetfulness) or something worse?
Sunday 29th September 2024.
Grandfathers should not be allowed to blog. This one got highly cheeseburgered off yesterday when trying to fit his new TIVO 360 box from Virgin. Read the instructions, grappled with coils of cables, switched it on, nothing. Call Virgin, can't understand a stinky word, re-boot, unplug, re-plug, switch on, nuthin'. Try it all again, ring Virgin, can't understand a stinky word, Error C2004. Tear hair out? They're sending an engineer round Tuesday so no TV till Tuesday. Grandmother will get very tetchy, she gets very tetchy at times anyway but no East Enders or Virgin River will make life impossible for grandfather. Good job he can sit in his shower room and dream.
Grandfather is thinking of changing his mind about objecting to McDonalds burgers in The Little White Lion, if you click HERE you'll see why.
Monday 30th September 2024.
This old grandfather predicts that October will be a significant month for Horizontal Gravity. He's said that a million times before but this time he senses his Special Angels will all be lined up and make it happen. Who are his Special Angels? You, dear reader, of course.
It's Blog Page 53 time.
Bob's Blog Page 52
You are reading Page 52 of Bob's Blog/diary/dream/story/journey/novelistic memoir.
He is 85 years old and counting.
He is also very much aware that this blog is of no significance whatsoever -
at the time of writing!