Bob's Blog Page 54
You are reading Page 54 of Bob's Blog/diary/dream/story/journey/novelistic memoir.
He is 85 years old and counting.
He is also very much aware that this blog is of no significance whatsoever -
at the time of writing!
Tuesday 15th October 1966 (sorry 2024).
On this day 58 years ago (it was a Saturday) I had a green Riley 1.5, I was living in 27, Blundel Lane, Oxshott and we had an appointment in Epsom at 8.45 am. We were back in Oxshott by 10 am, I booked a table for 10 for lunch at The White Lion. On the way there I stopped off at Kirk's the estate agent in Cobham High Street and put £50 down on 44, Anyards Road (it's now the dentists) total price £4,750. I also bought for £100 the complete contents of the house and sheds. The old couple were off to Australia.
After lunch we drove to LIttlehampton for the night and came back Sunday. I was earning £1 an hour at Phoenix House in Southall drawing bits for the Lockheed C5A Galaxy and I didn't want to miss an hour! Damned if I can remember how the Riley 1.5 got to Southall every day.
What was the appointment in Epsom for? We got married of course. Marcia never remembers and I never forget.
Wednesday 16th October 2024.
Dwelling on the past is, perhaps, not always the best therapy so, looking ahead, a TEAMS meeting with somebody interested in Horizontal Gravity from The University of Manchester later this morning (I usually blog in the small hours) might lead somewhere but then again it might not, 'expect nothing and you won't be disappointed'.
I've been given a couple of days respite from hospital visits so time for a stroll in Oxshott Woods? Conducted Tours free of charge! It could include a visit to The Oxshott Village Sign and The Oxshott (Men's) Club if you're lucky!
Thursday 17th October 2024.
The lovely Gemma from The University of Manchester said that she would be happy to 'collaborate' provided I can get some funding from somewhere. She suggested I put the potty, sorry, amazing idea forward for another competition so I'd better get on with it.
Meanwhile Bob's Mrs, despite her disabilities and hospital dinners is quite chirpy. There is a possibility that she will be allowed home and we can get the stairlift in after all.
She thanks all her Angels for the vibes. I celebrated by edging the crazy paved paths laid down in the stone age with grandfathers half moon edging tool, very therapeutic, and a Guinness of course!
Friday 18th October 2024.
Being made to languish in a ward with zero nutritious meals, zero windows, zero fresh air, zero views, zero bird song, zero countryside aromas and zero tactile animal encounters is difficult don't you think? Especially when you are beginning to feel just the slightest bit better.
This is the current situation of our one-winged bird and it seems that there is nothing that can be done to change her situation. Her previous experience in hospital for 6 weeks in Epsom stands her in good stead but in Epsom she had windows, fresh air and views of trees waving and dancing in the breeze.
For visitors the location of St Peter's is also extremely challenging at the best of times. Public transport options are zero unless you take your tent and overnight bag, parking, despite a multi tier car park, is mostly impossible and traffic with irate drivers on the verge of self detonation cramming every square yard of available road space for miles around is beyond description. The Duster also finds it extremely challenging as she has a tendency to dislike being made to change gear every 3 seconds. Gear graunching is unavoidable in these situations, sorry Ivan. Not my fault!
You could say the M25 is virtually door to door but getting on it and off it at Junction 10 at the moment takes forever.
Thankyou for listening.
Saturday 19th October 2024.
What a difference a day makes. Plenty of parking space at the hospital, very little traffic going and even less coming back, probably because I chose the long familiar country lane route back past The Ottershaw Harvester (now The Miller and Carter), The Seven Stars, The Ship Ripley, The Talbot, The Hautboy Ockham (long since closed, sadly), The Black Swan (affectionately known locally as The Mucky Duck) and The Plough at Downside (scene of many a affectionately remembered raucous occasions!) but needless to say I persuaded the Duster not to stop at any of them. Honest!
Meanwhile back in Heron Ward Marcia still needs her Angels to help her with the pain and discomfort rather than the morphine and diazepam. She enjoys the wholesome gluten free food and drinks supplied by her Favourite Angel but sometimes he still doesn't come up to scratch! He is inclined to forget repeated instructions and requests! But he tries.
The following will be accompanying an application for Government funding for you know what.
I would like to point out that, apart from The University of Manchester, despite many attempts to engage those Universities and Organisations with testing tanks and expertise in this area, my attempts have not been successful. This leads me to conclude that they fail to understand the concept or they have written me off as an eccentric or this proposal is indeed 'game changing' and would revolutionise Offshore Energy Generation making all current methods of offshore energy production, including offshore wind farms, redundant.
A little bird told me it was somebody's birthday on September 13th, a bit late but better late than never?
Sunday 20th October 2024.
Is it wrong for an old person to have a glass of lemonade on a Saturday night and listen to two hours of 60's rock on Angel Radio while he's cooking his dinner? #'Good Golly Miss Molly'! #'Do you love me? #Do you love me? Now that I can dance? #Mashed potato. # I can do the twist. #Twist. #Twist. Very sad.
Monday 21st October 2024.
If your hernia pops out Brian don't blame me!
Tuesday 22nd October 2024.
It's somebody's birthday today so Happy Birthday LuLu.
Meanwhile back on stinky Heron Ward Nannie is becoming extremely cheesed off with her situation. A very complicated administrative situation has arisen which defies all logic and understanding but in a nutshell they're sorry but they can't discharge her, so, I'll be taking the wheelchair along later today and bring her home via the country route. Watch this space.
Wednesday 23rd October 2024.
Despite her continuing disabilities it would appear that Nannie will be allowed home if Grandad can demonstrate his Mo-lift driving skills to the satisfaction of all concerned. Judging by his reckless driving yesterday on the 'country route' yesterday he is unlikely to pass the test but stranger things have happened!
Let's face it, Grandads shouldn't be driving, especially those who can remember the war!
This is Grandad doing his bit in the war during The Battle of Britain in 1940.
Avid readers will have seen this before but don't you want to just hug him?
(Brickfield Chimney in the mist. 'stacks in Ayling's Farmyard.)
Thursday 24th October 2024.
Grandad passed the test with flying colours allowing Nannie to be discharged. A mixture of emotions accompanied Nannie back home from the hospital yesterday. Joy, to be out in the sunshine and tears because she didn't want to be a burden. She was wafted home in her favourite Angel's limousine guided by Google Maps meanwhile Grandad fought with the gearbox in the Duster all the way via the country route. Unable to get out of second gear most of the way and finally unable to find a gear in Ripley High Street the Duster died. Unfriendly drivers hooted from all directions.
Grandad called on his 70 years of driving experience, finally graunched a gear and managed to cajole the Duster back to base. Sorry Ivan, I knew it would happen one day. I'll get my overalls, old ring spanners and car jack out and see if I can fix it. No probs!
Friday 25th October 2024.
Nannie is still trying to fly with one wing out of action but at least, amazingly, her hip has healed already, touch wood. Meanwhile Grandad continues to bumble in the kitchen serving up his specialities. Porridge, poached eggs, hot pies and potatoes take it or leave it.
Regular readers of this blog (there's only one and that's you) will note that deadlines have passed for the Horizontal Gravity competitions, that's because deadlines have been extended into November, he'll keep you posted. Grandad is increasingly confident of Horizontal Gravity Unit's being built regardless, his Angels have told him. He can't understand why Leonardo didn't think of it. Probably too busy with his Mona Lisa GJ!
Saturday 26th October 2024.
Looks like she has had a Parotidectomy don't you think?
Preparations for the stairlift and the bath lift continue apace but now the winter snows are coming Grandad thinks that a chair lift would have been a better idea?
Don't forget to put your clock's back tonight, it's kicking carpets of multi-coloured leaves time. Or it was yesterday on the way to The Bear! Only £6 for a pint of Shere Drop! A weeks wages in 1955!
Sunday 27th October 2024.
I'll bet you forgot to put your clocks back, I did. Let me know if you want your leaves sweeping. if you want something done ask a busy person. Grandad's quite busy but he can always find time to sweep his favourite readers leaves.
'Your approach is genuinely inventive, and I can see the potential.' is a comment received yesterday from a Business Consultant in Clean Energy Systems so Grandad's quite pleased, not to say 'over the Harvest Moon'!
Monday 28th October 2024.
Young Bob ain't feeling too young today. Probably too much leaf sweeping. 'Phylosan Fortifies the over Forties', remember? Any ideas to fortify the over eighties?
Tuesday 29th October 2024.
Having been 'fortified' by something or other (probably his Angels vibes or maybe something in his coffee!) Grandad feels quite bouncy today. He's not sure if he should blog about what's going to happen this week or wait till it happens. Yesterday, he sent an email to The Isle of Wight Council to see if they would be comfortable with HGU's dotted around their island producing loadsa love, sorry, loadsa energy, he'll keep you posted.
Meanwhile Nannie is slowly responding to all the TLC sent from her Angels, she can now 'shake a left leg'!
Wednesday 30th October 2024.
Today is respite day for Grandad. He will be catching the 408 bus to Oxshott to revisit the past (again!). He plans to walk back home through the woods in the mist so anything could happen!
Thursday 31st October 2024.
Grandad did catch the bus to Oxshott, he visited The Oxshott Village Sign, cleaned the plaques, visited old friends and old memories, he walked over the Stone Bridge through the woods and kicked loadsa love, sorry, loadsa leaves down Little Heath Lane. Chatted to great grandparents, grandparents and parents, thought about singing carols at front doors of all the big houses as he used to do when he was in the choir but the sight of a lurking police car persuaded him otherwise. He strode the rest of the way back to Cobham at a slowly diminishing pace!
Meanwhile, Nannie had a visit from Angel Carer Antonia who said a prayer for a swift recovery. How lovely was that?
Thanks for your company. It's Page 55 time.
Bob's Blog Page 54
You are reading Page 54 of Bob's Blog/diary/dream/story/journey/novelistic memoir.
He is 85 years old and counting.
He is also very much aware that this blog is of no significance whatsoever -
at the time of writing!