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Bob's Blog Page 55

          Page 54                         Page 56             

You are reading Page 55 of Bob's Blog/diary/dream/story/journey/novelistic memoir.

He is 85 years old and counting.

He is also very much aware that this blog is of no significance whatsoever -

at the time of writing!






Friday 1st November 2024.

Halloween came and went without being noticed by Grandad, he was too busy going up and down on his new stairlift.  Nannie was unmoved, she was too busy watching EastEnders on her new 43 inch QLED TV.   Katie, her new dynamic Physio swept in, promised loadsa new aids for upstairs living, she told Nannie she would have her doing the dusting in no time and swept out again.  Andy from the garage fitted a new master cylinder in the Duster so no more gear graunching by Grandad, hopefully!   Our Angel from The Barbican scurrying around in the background cooking fish from Jimmy the Fish didn't go un-noticed.  There were one or two other tasks completed yesterday but Grandad can't remember what they were.  Oh yes! An email to The Managing Director of EMEC informing him of a New Idea to save the planet.  Just another day in the life of Bob.  

Grandad knows that you all have busy lives as well but you don't blab, sorry, blog about them.  Do you?

Saturday 2nd November 2024.

Sometime this month Grandad has got to grapple with this Wix Blog Platform as he has reached 100 pages of blogging.  Wix do boast 'unlimited' pages but after 100 pages you have to switch to 'Dynamic Pages' which, at the moment is gobbledegook to Grandad.   So, if this blog disappears from the face of the planet you will know the reason why.


If you can understand how 'Dynamic Pages' work please advise Grandad Bob.  He does understand 'Dynamic Drag' but not 'Dynamic Pages'.  Thank you wise reader(s). 

If he doesn't respond you will find him going up and down on his new Acorn stair lift.  If you want one he will give you a free demo' and if you buy one he (and you) will be rewarded handsomely!  'Hold very tight please, Ding Ding'!.

Sunday 3rd November 2024.

#Happy Birthday Dear Hannah,  #Happy Birthday to you.  Loadsa love from Nannie and Dumps.

Dear Knowledgeable Reader(s),  Let me know if you have any idea what this lot means.  Bob.  

In this article

  • About URL slugs and URL slug structures

  • URL slug structures define dynamic page URLs

  • Using variables to change the dynamic page type

  • Why you should add variables to dynamic page URLs

  • URL slug structures cannot conflict with existing slug structures

  • Adding variables to dynamic page URL slug structures

  • Editing URL slugs for specific dynamic item pages


If your dynamic item page URL slug structure ends with /team/{primary-field}, and 2 items in the collection have "Sara" in the primary field, only 1 URL is generated for /team/sara. So only 1 version of the dynamic item page is created for only 1 of the 2 collection items. 

Plain as a slug in the mud?  Talking about Dynamic Pages this is a Dynamic Nannie on her way to the stars!


Monday 4th November 2024.

Dumpsy doesn't watch much TV but now he has his new sparkly 43" QLED TV he gets mesmerised, as we all do?  Last night on BBC4 he was mesmerised by 'Dance Passion Swansea', so much so he has decided to become a ballet dancer and is looking for a partner?  Any offers?​  If you click on the link you will see what he aspires to!

Tuesday 5th November 2024.

A ballet dancer is too much like hard work Grandad has decided so he'll stick to a dreamy waltz.  It was a 'spot waltz' in 1961 when the question wasn't 'bring me a pair of nylons' it was 'when will be the next year which reads the same upside down?'.  Quick as a flash Grandad shouted 6009.  He won a pair of nylons!

At the time he had his 1931 MG J1 with an MG 2409 number plate which was also dreamy so, he's decided to stick an MG logo on the Duster to continue the dream, is that OK Ivan?

#You must remember this
#A kiss is just a kiss
#A sigh is just a sigh
#The fundamental things apply
#As time goes by


Wednesday 6th November 2024.

Parked outside No. 27 in 1961.  If only ................................................

Thursday 7th November 2024.  (Happy Birthday Dad, he would have been 114 today).

Dearest Reader,

Old, confused, out of touch, tired, miserable, wrinkly Bob has given up trying to add a 'Dynamic Page' to this website, so, he proposes to delete a page when adding a page in order to keep the total number of pages below 100.

The great thing is the pages he deletes will be available from Young Dynamic Bob on a PDF format free of charge so he hopes that that is as clear as mud.  It'll probably be Christmas before this happens so don't panic.

You could, of course, download any of these pages and save them on a PDF format yourself.  All you do is choose 'Save as PDF 'instead of 'Print'.

Have a lovely night and day, 

Loadsa love and hugs,


MG Duster.jpg

Continuing the dream!

Friday 8th November 2024.

Today, Young Bob applied for a 'Smart Grant' from Innovate UK to develop his Potty Proposal.  If he is successful he will treat his regular reader(s) to a 'Smart Lunch' at The Running Mare.  Another dream?

Meanwhile, Nannie battles on with one leg and one wing still out of action aided by Edwin the Physio who pops in and puts her through her paces a couple of times a week.  A bath or a shower remain a dream but the stair lift beckons from the wings ready to fulfil that dream.

PS Grandad checks that the stair lift is working quite often!

Saturday 9th November 2024.

Had our first Christmas Card today from cousin Brian and Mary in Toronto.  Thanks Brian and Mary in Toronto.  Brian and I share the same Grandparents and Great Grandparents, in other words his mother and my father were siblings out of Jack and Elizabeth.  Sounds like a couple of race horses!  Jack was a Jones and Elizabeth was a Hill from Ockham.  The Hill family lived in Poplar House in Ockham with a duck pond in the front garden, sadly the house has been demolished but the duck pond is still there.


You will be questioned later to check for memory retention.  Do you detect a touch of resignation?

Sunday 10th November 2024.

Today is all about remembering.  A trip with the wheelchair up to The War Memorial at Oxshott Woods? 

War Memorial Oxshott

Monday 11th November 2024.

​Needless to say a trip to The War Memorial wasn't possible, in fact not a lot is possible when you are legless and armless.  The fact that there are plenty much worse off than you doesn't cut much ice when you are reliant on others 24/7.  What's even worse is having to rely on Old and Knackered Bob's cooking skills.  Perfect poached eggs every day can become a touch boring and it his age things are only going to go downhill.  He did hoover the lawn yesterday which seemed to cheer him up but what he doesn't know is that everybody else knows he keeps a stache of Guinness in his shed which seems to be the only thing that cheers him up.  He did fit a Key Safe yesterday in case he becomes incapable so that's something positive.


A new dawn?

Tuesday 12th November 2024.

OK (Old and Knackered) Bob took a respite drive in his MG Duster yesterday to Curry's at Brooklands.  He was trying to find a decent sound system for his new slimline TV which, as you know, the sound is rubbish on slim line TV's because slim line smart TV's have no room for woofers and tweeters.


He found a few Bluetooth speakers, pressed a few buttons and deafened everybody for miles around.  He came away with nothing so if you have any recommendations?

Note to Ivan:  Your MG Duster performed admirably, no more gear graunching!

Wednesday 13th November 2024.

It seems that Musk and Trump are out to 'change the world', let's hope that includes 'Horizontal Gravity'

Recent Feedback:

'we'd love to explore the opportunities for collaboration with you'.  University of Manchester.


'Your approach is genuinely inventive, and I can see the potential'.  Lenergy Consulting Ltd.

Thursday 14th November 2024.

OK Bob promises not to mention Horizontal Gravity again unless there's something worth blogging about.  He still believes it is inevitable but probably well after his demise.  He nearly demised yesterday but the thought of something or other magical, memorable and monumental kept him going. 

MG sticker.jpg

In between 24/7 caring he spent most of yesterday trying to work out how to stop a leak in an underground water pipe in Italy.  If you come up with the answer you could win $30,000.  Click HERE to enter the competition.  It takes all sorts! 

You have to get your answers in before January 7th, the same day as somebody's 86th birthday!

Friday 15th November 2024.

A trip with the wheelchair to see the ducks, around the High Street and Waitrose was a breath of fresh air for dear old Nannie yesterday.  Old friends and neighbours were in tears to see her.  Her sprightly, young wheelchair pusher was also in tears as he was unable to come up with a solution to yesterdays challenge.  PS  The ducks were in the river, not the High Street!

Thanks for reading.  It's Page 56 time.  More really exciting stories!

Bob's Blog Page 55

         Page 54                         Page 56            

You are reading Page 55 of Bob's Blog/diary/dream/story/journey/novelistic memoir.

He is 85 years old and counting.

He is also very much aware that this blog is of no significance whatsoever -

at the time of writing!





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