Bob's Blog Page 48
You are reading Page 48 of Bob's Blog/diary/dream/story/journey/novelistic memoir.
He is 85 years old and counting.
He is also very much aware that this blog is of no significance whatsoever -
at the time of writing!
Sunday 21st July 2024.
If by chance you were listening to Surrey Hills Community Radio at 1 pm yesterday you would have heard Tom Baxter presenting 'Tom's Movie Mixtape'. He is 17 years old, is (in his words) 'neuro divergent' and diagnosed with Autism, Dyslexia and ADHD.
He has a rich tone of voice, great diction, very focused and an interesting turn of phrase. His parent's are Lucy and Ali', Lucy, amongst many other things, became famous for the design of the above WALKTOWORK logo. Thanks Lucy.
This Old Blogger predicts that young Tom will achieve greatness.
Monday 22nd July 2024.
Achieving greatness has eluded this Old Blogger despite coming up with dozens of ground breaking ideas over what seems like centuries.
Walk to Work, Anti Gravity, Horizontal Gravity, The Muscle Engine, The APO, The Handy Sander, The Easyreader to name but a few. He's come to the conclusion that it's no good coming up with ideas unless you can sell them. And then if they do sell you've got to make them in 'stinking' (thanks Tom) hundreds of thousands. Sounds like too much hard work.
Right now on his drawing board is an AIPD or an Artificially Intelligent Pill Dispenser that knows which pills to take, how many, when and where to put them. The mind boggles. Sounds like a job for Wallace and Gromit?
Meanwhile Old Bob weighed himself and discovered that he's lost pounds. Probably because his young lady has him running round in circles trying to keep up with constant demands. Change the flower water, water the plants, dust the hoover, kill that fly, weed the lawn, take me to the toilet, do the shopping, where's breakfast, got to go.
You may wonder where he gets his inspiration from, his old mate Tony of course. Watch him HERE. Stinking amazing. More relaxing inspiration comes from HERE.
Tuesday 23rd July 2024.
Hope that's OK. Thanks for reading. Of course inspiration and relaxation can come from anywhere. For instance, what do you do when a tomato plant pops up unannounced in your geranium pot? Do you chop it or nurture it? Perhaps it will turn into a Germato or a Tomanium. Might make a million! Might be rich and famous! Might be locked up!
Wednesday 24th July 2024.
Readership of this inspiring blog is steadily climbing so you are not alone. Some of you are even beginning to think that Old Bob's idea for saving the planet might actually be the way to go. Persistence?
Pushing his one winged bird around Waitrose in a wheelchair yesterday was the highlight of the day, a bit knackering for the Old Pusher but a detour up in the lift and down the car park ramp was exhilarating! A bit like The Cresta Run! Also yesterday Jack came back with the news that Council Tax Disabled Band Reduction has been granted. Persistence?
The Old Pusher would like to thank his Angels again for continuing assistance. Without it he wouldn't be able to take a respite break to The Cricketers for a cup of tea and a rich tea biscuit watching the paint dry. Persistence?
Thursday 25th July 2024.
A respite drive in the Duster via LA, Vegas, Death Valley, and Frisco yesterday was only a dream. It was actually via Oxshott, (to check that The Village Sign was still there), Bookham (to pick up another grab rail) and Effingham for a cup of tea and a rich tea biscuit. Next time (if there is a next time) let Stirling Moss know if you would like him to pick you up and take you for a trip down Memory Lane, it could be Box Hill or Brighton, you choose!
Today is another trip down Memory Lane to Epsom Hospital for a check on the Prostate, bliss!
Writing a daily blog is like going to work. This Old Blogger never minded going to work, it was only when he got there was a bit of a pain. #Bless you for being an Angel.
Friday 26th July 2024.
Great British Energy is a new initiative by The Labour Party (the government) to boost clean energy. Needless to say yours truly has informed them that they are missing a trick but will they listen?
Meanwhile in order to get his disabled young lady up the stairs he has decided to install a 36 inch diameter pipe through the ceiling and post her up the pipe using a block and tackle. So, instead of going up the stairs she will be going up the pipe. Ingenious?
Meanwhile if you have difficulty with reading any of these pages on your phone please let me know.
Yesterday it was fresh fish (cod from Jimmy the Fish) simmered in milk, mashed potatoes and peas, beautifully cooked!
Saturday 27th July 2024.
Predictably, not a peep or a squeak from Ed Milliband or any of his Ministers so the march towards solar and wind farms continues. A solar farm has been proposed locally (opposite The Yehudi Menhuin School) but they probably don't realise that the sun doesn't shine during the night, is unpredictable during the day and even less during the winter. Far better to you know what!
If you live locally you can object by visiting Citizen Portal Planning ( They call it Slyfield Solar Farm which is around 130 acres and all the 'stinking' construction traffic will be coming past Waitrose. Phew!
A trip out for the old lady yesterday to visit Sadie in The Star and Garter Home in Surbiton was enjoyed. Amongst other things they have visits from Alpacas on a Wednesday morning so if you are into Alpacas you know where to go. Meanwhile Old Bob respited in the garden 'musing' and enjoying his cup of tea and rich tea biscuit!
He was 'musing' about his brand new Hercules Kestrel bike he bought in 1953 when he was 14.
Sunday 28th July 2024.
Repeating yourself can be a sign of something or other so please let the old blogger know.
Never heard his name on the radio before but yesterday Tom, chatting on his regular spot on Surrey Hills Radio wished Bob and Marcia a speedy recovery, thanks Tom. Wrinkly Bob can report that he has already recovered, at least well enough to do the washing, the dishes, the cooking and all the other chores etc but his young lady is still somewhat compromised on the left side. Having said that she managed to climb into the Duster and Stirling Moss whisked her over to Pyrford for the usual Saturday brunch. He also managed to find his way back through the forest of Chelsea Tractors without incident.
Young Bob (sometimes he feels young and sometimes he feels stinky old) would like to remind you that his blog tries not to embarrass anybody, tries not to be introspective or use bad language, so, if you have any complaints please let him know, he will be mortified.
Trawling back through all his ramblings you will probably notice that he is influenced by other successful writers depending on which book he is reading at the time. Sometimes it's Shakespeare, sometimes it's Charles Dickens, sometimes Charlotte Bronte, sometimes Julian Fellowes and sometimes Iris Murdoch. All of them bring out his romantic streak which hasn't always been there, it must be something to do with getting stinky old? Let's hope he doesn't read D H Lawrence!
At the moment he isn't reading a book but relying on his natural creativity. What was that?
Monday 29th July 2024.
His 'natural creativity' may be spreading to his grand children twins Maddie and Phoebe who are 18 and starting Art College soon. Good luck to Maddie and Phoebe.
Maddie Wilde
Maddie Wilde
Phoebe Wilde
Tuesday 30th July 2024.
Pretty amazing G?
Phew! Today is forecast to be a real 'stinker', 32 degrees C in Young Bob's back garden so don't forget your Ambre Solaire. Remember? Perhaps you use Coppertone either way you'll fry to a burnt crisp. Mad dog is an Englishman who goes out in the midday sun. Who said that?
In order to take his mind off the non stop demands from his young lady and pegging out the washing Old Bob has decided to install a through the ceiling one person lift in order to transport his young lady upstairs, except it won't be upstairs it will be uplift. He hasn't told anyone yet so keep it schtum. Stinky expensive but should 'add value' so they say. It could even be used to transport Old Bob uplift when he gets really old. Keeps him out of mischief! If you have any experience of being uplifted let him know.
Wednesday 31st July 2024.
The idea of a home lift is attractive don't you think? 'Stnky' expensive though, probably set you back around £15,000. If you have compromised mobility your Occupational Therapist might be able to refer you to your local Council for a home improvement grant. If you want to see one in action click HERE. Don't forget to check if Rosie is asleep on top of the thing or underneath the thing before you press the button! You don't want a mobility compromised pussy do you!
Old Bob has gone off the idea of installing a lift but he still might invite a high pressure salesperson in to test his pressure. He'll let you know.
Meanwhile he's off to Guildford Hospital again today to see if there are any more problems, no pressure!
Page 49 awaits.
Bob's Blog Page 48
You are reading Page 48 of Bob's Blog/diary/dream/story/journey/novelistic memoir.
He is 85 years old and counting.
He is also very much aware that this blog is of no significance whatsoever -
at the time of writing!